
Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Hour of code

Hour of code 

For hour of code we had to work with a buddy from room 2 our buddy class.
When we got our buddy we could choose to do Moana and min-craft and star-wars and me and my buddy chose moana and it was pretty hard even for my buddy because they don't know there lefts and right and because we had to give specific directions but at the same time it was fun.

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Food for thought

Food for thought 
Today we went to new world and we learn't that:
Banana is white 

Green fruits/veges:                red fruits/veges:                  orange fruit/veges:          yellow fruit/veges:                                                                                                                              
capsicum                             capsicum                            Orange                          capsicum
cucumber                            apple                                  capsicum                       lemon 
broccoli                               tomato                                carrots                          banana
grape                                   straw berry                        pumpkin                         grape fruit
avocado                              red onion                            mango                          corn
green apple                          red cabbage                      kumara                          pineapple 
pear celery                                                                    
spring onion 
peas kale 
bok choy  
kiwi fruit 

white fruit/veges:               purple/blue fruit/veges:           Brown fruits/veges:

Banana                             blue berry                             pear
onion                                grapes                                  mushroom
mushroom                         baby beets                           Ginger
potato                               beetroots
parsnip                              cabbage 

Image result for nutrition label nz


when you get something you need to look at the back or on the side of the item and when you look at it you have to look at per 100 then look at the energy and the fat and the sugar and the dietary fibre and the sodium.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Athletics shot put


  Room 14 went to athletics in the school hall and we did shot put and the three rules that the coach told was 

  1. Fingers dirty
  2. Neck dirty
  3. Palm clean
so that means that the ball has to be on your neck and your fingers but not on your palm  

Image result for shot put clipart

When you go to throw the ball you need to bend your knees and put your elbow up also you have to see you palm when you throw so that means that your palm has to be facing the sky and the important thing is about throwing the ball if you don't want to get injurer you have to push the ball but if you don't pus the ball and you throw it your wrist can hurt .

Also you can aim where your going to throw the ball with your arm and if you are left handed you have to hold the ball in your left hand if you can throw further. 

Monday, 14 November 2016


Hi guys here is my slide of my survival kit with the things I need in it so when something bad happens I will be prepared. Do you have a survival kit?.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Hi my slide is about milk cartons and why it is good to recycle milk cartons and there are pics of milk cartons and what you can make from it.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016



Hi today our class did athletics and there were rules quick and simple rules they were 
  1. High knees
  2. eyes on the prize not on the guys 
  3. cheek to cheek to the opposite leg 
  4.  push you leg up high like high knees 
If you do these thing you would not know you might become an athlete.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Here is a slide about how to be sun smart and why you put sun screen on I hope you follow some of those rules.

My food pyramid

My food pyramid 

Hi guys here is a drawing of my food pyramid I put in what you should be eating and what you sometimes should be eating then what you should not be eating hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Number 17

Number 17 

Hi guys here is our culture maths we had to write our number in Samoan,Tongan,Arabic,Chinese and Maori my number was 17 it was hard to find the Tongan one and Arabic but I manged to finish it. 

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Here is a slide of what I learn't and what was good and bad and interesting about the production I hope you like it.

Monday, 19 September 2016


On Wednesday the 31 of August we did speeches and it was fun the speeches that we heard was funny and cool it was a tough choice for the judges to find the winners for the speeches so they chose two people for third place and it was Fifita and Vika, and second place goes to Dinah, and first place goes to...... DANAE, that was a tough challenge for the judges Andrea and Mrs Mellick i'm glad I wasn't a judge.

Hi guys may road school has a production called the peace child it is fun you should come and watch us we will make you laugh  so come along and see our fun production you can get your tickets from may road schools office hope you enjoy. 

Monday, 5 September 2016

cross country

Cross country 
Here is a photo of me and Janet running for the fun run but for cross country I came 4th out of the year fives and I completed the fun run but I was coming 3rd place but then I slowed down at the end so the person behind me run past me so I came 4th at least I tried my hardest to win.

Monday, 15 August 2016


Hi my slide is about basketball it is about what we do at basketball when we go to basketball it is always fun and we learn alot so you should find someone to teach you basketball.

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Maths with cards (how to play a maths game with cards)

The first step to play this game is to give out the cards and make the cards even so the game can be faster and easier then after you do that you get the two cards that are on the top of your pile then put it on the table or what ever your playing on 

Then you flip it around and explain what you have lets say like if I had 96 I would say I have nine tens and six ones then who ever has the biggest number you have to give the two cards to them and they have to put it into there own wining pile 

If someone gets the same cards as you both of you's have to battle again and the person with the highest wins then after you finish playing you count your wining cards and the person who has the most cards wins the game 
 If you put people in a group only five or six people are in one group.

Monday, 1 August 2016

Hearing session

Hearing session 

Today Room 14 learn't about hearing. Lyn-field collage came to help us learn about hearing.

When you hear loud noise simply follow these three hearing rules 
  • Turn it off or turn it down 
  • walk away 
  • cover your ears (wear hearing protection 
A guide to safe hearing levels 

The dB for a rocket launch is 180 so you are not allowed to hear that or you could damage your ears 

did you know that if you hear something like a gunshot,rocket launch,firework,ambulance siren,rugby match it could do damage to your ears 

and did you know that the rain,washing machine,food mixer,dishwasher and somebody whispering to you cannot do damage to your ears 

chainsaws,power tools,lawnmower and car traffic you can only hear it for like 2 minutes,15 minutes,2 hours and 8 hours  

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Just a dog book review

Author: Michael Gerard Bauer

My favourite part that was in the story was when Mr Moseley was the only one that knew that mum was pregnant  with Grace and he always stood near the mum and waited it was like he had super powers and he could scenes Grace.

I think that this could be better if the dad was happy and wasn't mean and also didn't hit anyone  and didn't quiet his job.

I think that you should read this book because it is funny and also sad and silly and this book might make you cry because it is sad and this book can make you laugh as well so please recommend this book. 

Monday, 27 June 2016

Samoan language week!!

On Monday in term 2 on the 5th week it was Samoan language week the people who was not in the Samoan class that wanted to join the Samoan class for a week could join it.

 On that Monday every class come to the hall and had a taste of Samoa and some of us were reading books that were Samoan words

On Wednesday it was independents day for Samoans that were all around the world and on Wednesday may road school celebrated and had a yum dish that the whole school had in a bowl.

On Friday  the Samoan classes and the people how joined were in  the front facing the other classes  and we sang songs and also we did a Samoan dance  it was cool and musical.

After assembly finished we had chopsuey   then the classes  went back to there classroom and ate there food then went out to play 

This is the Samoan group photo I hope you like it

My art reflection

Hi this is my Pablo Picasso art reflection it tells you all about what I have learn't and what I love about art and also what colours and shapes I have used.
Hey this is my digital footprint it tells you about what I have learn't and also what you are not suppose to do I hope you like it 

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

E.O.T.C week

This is my E.O.T.C week diary

E.O.T.C week stands for Education Outside The Class. So the whole of kawri team at may road school did awesome learning outside the class room we had a may road idol and we also got to go to Onehunga pools E.O.T.C week was fun.